My First Harley - a 1200cc Sporster

My First Harley - a 1200cc Sporster

My New Harley - a 1600cc Softail Custom Classic

My New Harley - a 1600cc Softail Custom Classic


Well after all the last minute jobs to finish and the vagaries of Guildford City Cabs I finally made it to Chicago for the start of my Route 66 adventure. Its been 35 C here today but forecast to drop to 17 C tomorrow.

As usual the last minute packing resulted in a few items missed - but I arrived a day earlier than strictly necessary in order to get some jet-lag respite before setting off on a motorbike. So a shopping trip tomorrow then.

Had a quick stroll around the vicinity of the hotel this afternoon - interesting pubs, restaurants etc - but very hot after the UK.

Well I suppose I'd better read the joining instructions, make a shopping list and turn in for the night.

I'll be back tomorrow with my impressions of the 'windy city' and of the other folk on the trip after we meet up tomorrow afternoon.

Mood Music: A bit tired but mellow:

(you have to press the arrow at the top left to get back to this blog, but better still let it play and re-load the blog in another window by pasting in the browser )

Chicago from Hotel Room Window

Chicago from Hotel Room Window

Last minute shopping and a slight panic

Soundclip for today is a bit more upbeat though the day did not start out too promisingly.

Click the link then reload the blog to read on

Was woken by a loud thunderstorm last night around 4 am and of course didn't get back to sleep. Spent the morning buying the bits & pieces I had forgotten to pack - such trifles and fripperies like a shaving razor and waterproofs !

Was just about to have a mid-day jet lag induced snooze when I rashly decided to check the small print of my trusty old holiday travel medical insurance - to find that they only cover the riding of motorbikes up to 125cc - the hog I'll be riding is 13 times bigger and so a major crisis unfolded.

Eventually was able to buy a policy online and print out the required documents in the hotel business centre - phew. Given that the cost of treating a sprained wrist in the US would require the sale on one's primary residence its a bit of a relief. I can now set off as planned tomorrow rather than heading back to the airport or alternatively hiding under the bed in the Chicago Holiday Inn for 2 weeks and pretending I did Route 66.

June 10 th Exodus

Met up with the group last night - great bunch of people from the UK, Ireland, Belgium, New Zealand, South Africa, Greece, Switzerland, Austria and the Isle of Man ! Our intrepid tour leaders Laura and Mike took us to dine at the Chicago Hard Rock Cafe (where else ?). Photos below.

Plan is to go by minibus to the Harley place and get issued with bikes. We plan to hit the road around 11 am.

Today's leg is from Chicago to Springfield 201 miles. We had thunder and rain in the night and will probably have some rain on our journey today - so today's sound clip can only be:

Hard Rock Cafe

Hard Rock Cafe

Hungry Bikers

Hungry Bikers

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Message from Kaye

Really enjoying these travels with you, brilliant! Bike- scary, Id have to take the bus or horse!! love Kaye 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Gazza said:....

Whilst Liz was out having a ball she mentioned you were on Route 66! I didn't believe her but clearly (now suitably well insured) you are! Have a great trip and I'm looking forward to the Amarillo tune, which must surely be posted soon! Hope you find your way.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Ultimate Overhead Locker Challenge

A cool trip, should improve your pool game. By the way did you take the Harley with you as a carry on, or in checked baggage????  Pedro the Gardener

Have Fun

BigH - I like that! Also like that you do something a bit, afterall - different. Look forward to follow the trip. I would recommmend you to get a reflective vizor to your helmet - sunglasses effect, not so hot in helmet - worth some $150 i would guess. Guess u already know this. I am heading of to a meeting outside Stockholm today, in the countryside - just one way to get there....Have fun, Nordic Biker 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Looks like its easier to paste your comments in from email Big H